Wednesday, November 17, 2004

They actually paid for that?

Sometimes I just don't get it. Who in their right mind would pay for an ugly piece of ultimate kitsch, put it out in their front lawn and keep it there even though it's obviously broken? Last week I almost drove into the ditch because I had to turn my head to see the thing better. Following is the full story. :)

On my way to Parainen, there is a house. Lots of houses, sure, but this one is special. In a very kitschy and a bit creepy way. It's quite dark already when I drive by that house on Wednesday evenings and last week, as I mentioned, I had to take another look. There's this sphere of light in the middle of the very dark yard. Whattaheck, I thought. As I managed to get a second glimpse, I realised it wasn't a candle or any kind of normal piece of lighting one could have on the front lawn. It was one of those plastic animal statues you can buy for decoration. (I've always thought they're just as bad & ugly as the garden gnomes and would never get one myself, ever!) A cute little bambi, supposedly. But the curious thing about it is that it seems to have lights in it. If only it was that the whole bambi would be lighted, but no. It's just the frigging head! How creepy is that? A bambi's head floating about in mid-air in the middle of the front lawn. Alight. Gee, isn't that just the perfect way to embellish the yard? So not, for cryin' out loud! Brr, the things people buy...

Sitten pieni suomalainen ahdistuskohtaus. Oletteko kuulleet uutta biisiä, jonka nimi on Hallanvaara? Sen esittää nuorehko bändi nimeltä Smack. Aivan järkyttävää puuppaa. Laulu on paikoin ihan ihme kiekumista eikä laulaja osaa lausua suomea. Joka ikinen 'h' jää lausumatta. Niinpä laulu kuulostaakin osapuilleen tältä:"onko 'allanvaara vai saako sieltä mitä 'aluaa? --- talvi'arso peittää maan..." Aaaghhh! Järki lähtee! Miksei kukaan ole kertonut pojalle, että suomessa h kuuluu ääntää? Muita tämän bändin kappaleita en olekaan kuullut, mutta jos tätä 'iton 'allanvaaraa soitetaan koko 'elkkarin talvi, minulta poksahtaa päästä joku proppu aivan varmasti. Uaah.

Okay, that was a bit of a rant for the Finnish speaking people about a Finnish band that doesn't pronounce the 'h' in the words. Annoys the 'eck out of me, that's why I needed to vent a bit. No point in fuming about it in English, sorry about that. :)

Gotta go, need to eat. ;)


Anonymous said...

Kirijootahhan noppeemmin Johku! Kauheeta kun pitää koko ajan muistutella. ;) T.Tarina

Johanna said...

Juujuu, ihan just kohta. :)