Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Ringtone madness

I got a new phone yesterday. Actually, it's not exactly new, but used. Dad had bought a new one for himself and asked if I'd like to have his old one. It's a bit smaller and better than my old one (not that I was in any way unhappy with my old phone), so I thought I'd give it a try. But...

How many grey hairs can one grow in one evening? A lot, if you ask me. I'm the kind of person who really doesn't bother playing around with my phone. I couldn't survive without it, but I don't have to have the latest model with all the latest gadgets and extra stuff nor do I have to have the latest hits as my ringtones. I've been happy with my ringtone for about 4 years now and I think I've only ever had two logos.

I grow attached to things. :) I was feeling quite upset when I realized I wouldn't be able to move the old ringtone from my old phone to the new one. This was quite obviously the case also with my old logo dragon. Aagh, says I. How am I supposed to recognise it's my phone ringing if I don't have my special ringtone? Boohoo.

So I start surfing. I search and search. Site after site. I can't find a decent dragon logo or the Hobbit theme ringtone I've had for years. There are now at least twenty more grey hairs in my head.

I find a ringtone that I could consider if I can't find the one I really, really want. I click on the "play" button hoping I would be able to listen to a sample of the tone. My computer says "pof" and won't do a thing and I have to perform some quick pc-cpr. There are now fifteen more grey hairs in my head.

I find an ornamental logo I could get used to. I decide to order it. Click-click-clickety-click on my phone, and there goes an SMS to the provider of the service. But nothing. After about half an hour I get a message informing me that there is a "tempporary poblem" (tiläpäinen häirö) in the service. Gaah! At least a dozen more grey hairs. And probably almost 2 euros worth of payments due to this company even though they couldn't provide me with the service they promised. I curse the system and count three more grey hairs in my head.

Did you, btw, realize that the Nokia standard incoming sms-message beep (the long one) is actually morse code for S-M-S (bep-bep-bep-beeep-beeep-bep-bep-bep)? I didn't before last night. I feel dumb and feel a grey hair growing.

I decide to shut down the computer and go watch tv. With dad's old golf logo still on the screen of the phone and with a standard ringtone ready to inform me of any attempts to disturb me in the middle of the night... I refuse to count the grey hairs when I stand in front of the mirror brushing my teeth. I'm well on my way to really become Gandalf...

A night well slept has miraculously destroyed some of the grey hairs and I feel less like an ancient minor deity from a fantasy world and more like myself again. A new try, it is, then.

YAY! The second site I browse has a nice wyvern-logo I decide to embellish my phone with. Everything works just fine when I order it. More grey hairs disappear.

WHEE! The same site has the ringtone I've been looking for! I immediately order that too. Where was this site last night, I wonder? I finally feel like I can adopt this new phone and welcome anyone to call me. At least I'll recognise the ringtone. :) And I'm finally left with the three grey hairs I had to begin with, so all is well again.

I won't make any promises about not accidentally hanging up on you if you call, though. I may still push the wrong button if I'm not careful...

On a different note, I just heard from the news that there is supposed to be a protest by snowmen (built by a group of environmentalists of some sort, I forgot the name already) today in some of the bigger cities of Finland. The snowmen are protesting against the changes in the climate. I think the protest will be a somewhat quiet one here in Turku, as we have no more snow on the ground, because the temperature has been above zero for almost a week now... Poor snowmen. A funny winter, this one.


Anonymous said...

I got a new/old mobile for x-mas and while surfing ringtone sites looking for something nice and not too ordinary (didn't find anything and finally settled for a tone that was already programmed in the phone) I happened on this site http://www.jippii.fi/jsp/mobile/poly/phoneselect.jsp
that had an impressively good version of the old ringtone that I remember you had sometimes (maybe it wasn't this hobbity one that you were looking for, but if it was you might want to take a look, or rather a listen, to this one).


Johanna said...

That's the exact site I found my ringtone from! :) But since in that address you gave "poly" was mentioned, I'm afraid I probably won't be able to use that. The phone I have now isn't new enough to support polyphonic ringtones... :) But I'll go and have a listen, maybe I'll get a newer phone one of these days! Until then I'll be happy with the mono hobbity tone I was able to find...

Anonymous said...

Luckily, I have an old enough phone that I can compose my own ringtones on my mobile if I want to. Quite useful, if you want to use some not-so-ordinary tunes :), like some Bollywood film tunes. At least it's guaranteed that there are not so many duplicates....

Johanna said...

I once had a phone that I could compose my own ringtones with. I think I once tried to "compose" the theme of EFC but it turned out to be a horrendous piece of noise garbage. Brr. After that, I didn't try again. ;)

(Wow, the comment page looks new, this is handy!)